Growing a Home & Kitchen Brand from 7 to 8 figures while improving their overall ACoS by 6%

The problem

In Dec. 2018 the owner of this Home & Kitchen brand hired me to take care of the advertising of his account having more than 200 active ASINs. He was looking for someone who will be able to set up an organized campaign structure for all of his products and manage the whole Amazon advertising on 4 different marketplaces ( US, CA, DE and UK ).

The Solution

Step: 1

Analyzing existing advertising data

Step: 2

Optimizing and restructuring the existing campaigns

Step: 3

Looking for unexploited opportunities - products with high potential and low advertising spend

Step: 4

Based on continuous communication with other team members creating a product and task priority lists

Step: 5

Keyword and Competitor Research

Step: 6

Setting Up Proper Campaign and Bidding Structures for each product

Step: 7

Continuous A/B testing of different campaign types, bidding strategies, creatives and targets

Step: 8

Weekly team meetings for efficient communication

The Results

I need to highlight again the importance of great communication and teamwork for reaching these results.

  1. After a few months the overall ACoS improved by 5% and TACoS by 2%
  2. In the next 2 years we managed to grow the brand from 7 to 8 figures
  3. We achieved Best Seller Badges with multiple products in different subcategories
  4. We managed to rank most of our products on top of page one organically for the main keywords
  5. Thanks to the good organic positions the overall account profitability improved significantly
  6. Since 2018 we had 300 successful product launches, now having more than 500 active products, all of them in the Home & Kitchen category

And still growing… 🙂

Grow your sales and improve your ACoS