Growing the PPC Sales by 237% of a Pet Accessories Brand in ONE Year

The problem

Logan, the owner of this brand hired me on Upwork to do an audit on his advertising account. His main concern was that his actual PPC manager does not seem to have a proper campaign structure and he may be losing market share against his competitors because of that.

The Solution

After I finished with the account audit it was clear that Logan is losing significant amount of sales and market share against his competitors due to the poor campaign structure.

When I took over the account I started with the following steps:

Step: 1

Analyzing existing advertising data

Step: 2

Optimizing and restructuring the existing campaigns

Step: 3

Looking for unexploited opportunities - products with high potential and low advertising spend

Step: 4

Keyword and Competitor Research

Step: 5

Setting Up Proper Campaign and Bidding Structures for each product

Step: 6

Continuous A/B testing of different campaign types, bidding strategies,creatives and targets

Step: 7

Daily Communication with the inventory team in order to make sure there will be no stock issues due to the increased sales velocity

The Results

  1. In only one year the PPC sales improved by 237%
  2. The average ACoS improved from 26% to 23%
  3. We achieved Best Seller Badge with one of the products in a very competitive subcategory
  4. We managed to rank most of our products on top of page one organically for the most relevant keywords
  5. Thanks to the good organic positions the TACoS Improved by 5%
  6. We had 8 successful product launches in one year
  7. By applying the proper campaign structure with highly relevant product and keyword targets I managed to turn 5 slow moving items into winner, profitable products

Grow your sales and improve your ACoS