About the team

We are a small team of highly skilled professionals with more than 7 years of experience as freelancers in the Amazon PPC field. All of us started our careers as Amazon marketers on Upwork, delivering top-notch work to our clients. We united our skills and efforts to provide top quality services for the most demanding clients.

Zsolt Daragus


I started working as an Amazon PPC manager in 2016 on Upwork. In these past years I managed to become one of the most experienced and successful freelancers on the whole platform, dealing with a large number of 7 and 8 figure brands. In 2021 and 2022 I had the chance to work for one of the largest Amazon aggregators - Razor Group. My role was to plan, build and execute efficient launching, ranking and advertising strategies for 8 figure Amazon brands.
Check out what clients said about me by visiting my Upwork profile

Attila Barti

Advertising Specialist

Started working for Amazon sellers in 2016, and it quickly became his full-time job & passion. His marketing expertise helped him get best seller badges for products sold by several 8 figure brands. This was done while also running a successful store himself, making him learn all the ins and outs of the Amazon platform and what it takes to grow a brand. His enthusiasm for data analysis makes him our in-house spreadsheet expert.

Eszter Téglás

Advertising Specialist

Working as a PPC specialist in the past 6 years, Eszter has become expert in managing the advertising of both small and large brands across the US and European marketplaces and has helped her clients achieve their marketing goals. With a proven track record of managing an 8-figure brand with an average daily spend of $4500-5000, she has excelled in a highly competitive niche (Kitchen&Dining) with several best seller products. Being a German speaker adds a unique advantage to her skill set, allowing her to expertly manage products and navigate the German marketplace. Her biggest strength lies in her self-reliance, as she requires minimal supervision and can work independently, delivering exceptional results consistently.

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